Monday, June 21, 2010

Just A Quick Word...

The rock is definitely rolling as I'm writing this tonight. My brain is on fire. I just came from seeing the Max Weinberg (Bruce Springsteen's drummer in the E-Street Band) Big Band up in Evanston, just north of Chicago. Incredible show. I haven't seen a live big band in quite some time and the sheer energy and amount of sound is really unreal. Some of you know and some of you don't know that I spent a good amount of time in the jazz world and tonight's show definitely presented me with a frothy mug of nostalgia. It reminded me a bit of why I play music.

You see, I play a lot - A LOT - of shows. I love it to death but at the level I'm at there are still plenty of nights playing to no more than a handful of people. It's actually a bit scary, but in some ways I've gotten used to being in the background. Either that or I've just matured and know better than to force the issue that my younger self might have pounded down people's eardrums. I'd like to think that it's the latter of the two. Regardless, seeing a real performance like tonight's show (200 people on a Monday evening at 7pm) reminded me that the audience is out there. It reminded me that the audience is listening.

You guys are going to trip out when you see this new formation of my band. I hope you'll continue to listen, and I promise I'll keep giving you a reason to.

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